Client Tool

Drest provides a client tool which is wrapped around guzzle that allows your API users to operate solely using PHP data objects. This completely removes the hassle of dealing with syntactical errors when building a document to be pushed to your API endpoint.

Drest uses the zend/code component to generate data classes from the expose settings you have on your @Drest\Route’s. For example if you had an Entity where you only allowed exposure for a single attribute, then a data object will be created for that entity with only that attribute available.

These classes can then be used to easily send data to your drest api endpoint. The data objects are converted into a representation internally.

Code generator

In the /bin directory of the Drest repository you’ll find a drest-client.php file. This is what the API consumers will need to execute to generate data objects. It’s required that the client supply the endpoint to your API when executing this command. An OPTIONS request will be performed on that endpoint with a custom HTTP header X-DrestCG to tell the server to pass back code generation information.

php drest-client.php classes:generate http://yourapi.endpoint

There a a few additional options you can pass when running the classes:generate command; - –dest-path - A path to where you would like to the classes to be written (default to current directory) - –namespace - A namespace to be added to the generated classes (none used by default)

// Generate data classes to interact with
php drest-client.php classes:generate --dest-path="/path/for/SomeApi" --namespace="SomeApi" http://yourapi.endpoint

Generating client classes....
Successfully wrote client class "/path/for/SomeApi/Entities/Address.php"
Successfully wrote client class "/path/for/SomeApi/Entities/Profile.php"
Successfully wrote client class "/path/for/SomeApi/Entities/PhoneNumber.php"
Successfully wrote client class "/path/for/SomeApi/Entities/User.php"

Client classes have been successfully generated at "/path/for/SomeApi"

The classes will automatically be provided with getters and setters for both attributes and relations. They’ll also all have the static method create to allow for quick /simple construction.

Sending Requests

Once the classes have been generated they’re ready to be used with the Drest\Client tool. You must first instantiate a Drest\Client instance and pass in the API endpoint to be used (not the URI) and the representation class you would like to operate with. For example:

$client = new Drest\Client('http://yourapi.endpoint', 'Json');

This tells the client to pass a Json representation to the server for any push [POST/PUT/PATCH] requests, and to receive that representation for pull [GET] requests.

POST example

In this example the a Json representation object is automatically created when the post method is called.

$client = new Drest\Client('http://yourapi.endpoint', 'Json');
$user = SomeApi\Entities\User::create()

    // Return an instance of Drest\Client\Response
    $response = $client->post('/user', $user);
    // Get the representation that was created for the $user data object (if you want to)
    $representation = $response->getRepresentation();
} catch (\Drest\Error\ErrorException $e)
    echo $e->getErrorDocument()->getMessage();

You can optionally include an array of $headers as a second parameter when performing a POST. This will be common amongst all request types. If you want to include post variables you can simply add them to the URI string. For example:

$response = $client->post('/user?foo=bar', $user, array('X-Custom-Header' => 'Custom Value'));
GET example

An Accept HTTP header will already be set with the content type of the representation class your using. eg “application/json”

$client = new Drest\Client('http://yourapi.endpoint', 'Json');
try {
    $response = $client->get('user/85');
    // Get the representation instance
    $representation = $response->getRepresentation();
} catch (\Drest\Error\ErrorException $e)
PUT example
$client = new Drest\Client('http://yourapi.endpoint', 'Json');
$user = SomeApi\Entities\User::create()
    $response = $client->put('/user/105', $user);
    if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200)
        // all was ok
} catch (\Drest\Error\ErrorException $e)
PATCH example
$client = new Drest\Client('http://yourapi.endpoint', 'Json');
$user = Client\Entities\User::create()
    $response = $client->patch('/user/106', $user);
    if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200)
        // all was ok
} catch (\Drest\Error\ErrorException $e)
DELETE example
$client = new Drest\Client('http://yourapi.endpoint', 'Json');
    $response = $client->delete('/user/123');
    if ($response->getStatusCode() == 200)
        // all was ok
} catch (\Drest\Error\ErrorException $e)